Shifu workshop

Shifu is the Japanese tradition of making paper thread from washi paper, and weaving it into cloth.  For my workshops, I have combined old and new techniques to make your own thread, yarn or cord from different types of papers.  I will give you Thai unryu to start, but you can expand to newspaper, dress patterns, and more, if you like.

I start out by showing you the traditional way to make the threads, and then offer many more options, ranging from a drop spindle to an electric drill.  Join me for an exciting adventure into the possibilities of paper.

The following photos will show you some of the process:
In class, we will start a small sample weaving, which you will finish at home. A few of my other projects are next:

The leaf is paper yarn weaving.  All 3 sides are different.

A few of these are commercially prepared paper yarn

Sea Urchin, using some of the blue and white paper above.

I thank my teachers:  Kate Boyes
Aimee Lee
Check out Susan's book for an extensive study of shifu.  There are many photos, including the work of shifu artists. 
The link page on my blog will take you to other resources.

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